First from our region, students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) submitted a successful tender, which means we accomplished the terms of the competition. Currently our team has 50 student members, not only from the Faculty of Architecture but from other different faculties we accomplished. Our goal is to create an innovative solar building in which we apply our architectural and technical developments.
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Posts tagged "BME"

Construma 2012

Construma 2012

Here you are some photos of the Construma 2012. Odooproject's decathletes await the visitors on the fare in two pavilons in two different boothes: one is in A pavilon 204/A booth, the other is D pavilon 105/h booth. We gained these boothes by the help of Siemens and the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association.
Sustainable future debate's discussion

Sustainable future debate’s discussion

The actual construction has not even started, but already a real house, built at the BME 's Week of Creativity serves as a shelter (odoo means shelter). First, primary school pupils take over and draw over structure and the walls, then university students contemplate about a sustainable future in the form of debates' discussion.
Week of Creativity closing event

Week of Creativity closing event

Due to the tradition the Week of Creativity ended at midday on Friday when various departments and heads of departments summarized and evaluated the works produced by students.
Week of creativity 2012 (Alkotó7)

Week of creativity 2012 (Alkotó7)

Short summary and fresh photos about the Week of Creativity's workshop in progress.
Upcoming events

Upcoming events

Our upcoming events: CONSTRUMA fair 2012, Week of Creativity (BME) etc...
Bosch Elektromobil

Bosch Elektromobil

We would like to present another innovative engineer team of BME, the Paradicsom team, who parteciaptes at the Bosch Elektromobil Race.
Roof Academy 2012

Roof Academy 2012

Short summary about or appearance on TetőakAdémia 2012.
Teaser of the "Alkotó7"

Teaser of the “Alkotó7″

We are preparing for the Alkotó7!
Masat-1 captured the first photographs from space

Masat-1 captured the first photographs from space

The first Hungarian satellite took pictures from space with the resolution of 640*480 pixels.
Odoo at the Club of Hungarian Science Journalists

Odoo at the Club of Hungarian Science Journalists

In the organization of the Club of Hungarian Science Journalists (TUK) the the last Wednesday the research laboratories of BME were presented.
Comfort Exhibition and Conference in Budapest, Building Energy and Building Reconstruction

Comfort Exhibition and Conference in Budapest, Building Energy and Building Reconstruction

(Magyar) Az épületszerkezetekkel foglalkozó csapat Horváth Sándor segítségével (BME Épületszerkezettani tanszék adjunktusa) lehetőséget kapott, hogy az Odooprojecttel MAPASZ (Magyar Passzívház Szövetség) standján jelenjen meg, plakátjaival, szóróanyagával.
OdooFace: Árpád Áts

OdooFace: Árpád Áts

Árpád Áts Student of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), 6th year degree, Architect 1. Why did you join the project? During my studies so far, my interest directed towards the structure of buildings. The tasks of the constructive design is one of the most exciting, elemental and dominant part of the responsible architectural design,...