First from our region, students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) submitted a successful tender, which means we accomplished the terms of the competition. Currently our team has 50 student members, not only from the Faculty of Architecture but from other different faculties we accomplished. Our goal is to create an innovative solar building in which we apply our architectural and technical developments.
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Posts tagged "fenntarthatóság"

OdooFace: Sándor Horváth

OdooFace: Sándor Horváth

Sándor Horváth Student of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), 6th year degree, Architect 1. Why did you join the project? The Solar Decathlon competition is a great way to expand my knowledge and contacts. We meet and apply those technologies that mean the top-end of architecture today. Development is essential part of our life...
<!--:hu-->OdooFace: Kőrösi Kitti<!--:--><!--:en-->OdooFace: Kitti Kőrösi<!--:-->

<!–:hu–>OdooFace: Kőrösi Kitti<!–:–><!–:en–>OdooFace: Kitti Kőrösi<!–:–>

Kitti Kőrösi Student of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), 4th year degree, Architect 1. Why did you join the project? I joined to the project, because I find the project interesting, the solar architecture and its knowledge more and more important. In addition, I like the fact that I can work together with students...
Developed earth-architecture: the superadobe

Developed earth-architecture: the superadobe

Everyone knows, that despite the stupendous 21st-century-innovations, the truly eco is always a traditional solution, which has existed for centuries. For this adobe is no different, of course it would not hurt a little update. The inventor of the superadobe technology is the Iranian-born architect, Nader Khalili (1936-2008),  who in 1975 closed his successful practice...
The new trend: energy awareness in CAD

The new trend: energy awareness in CAD

Inspite the usually later attached service solution of a building, the main decisions which determinate the energy efficiency of a building are those which were made by the architects in early stage of the designing process. Therefore, as well as the trends, the ever more stringent regulations and because of increasing workforce marketability (see the...
OdooFace: Márk Szőke

OdooFace: Márk Szőke

Márk Szőke Student of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), 5th year degree, Architect 1. Why did you join the project? Instead of learning in classrooms I have always been more interested in learning from real-life situations. I heard it from one of my friend that a Hungarian team was founded, which application was accepted...
OdooFace: Kristóf Baksai-Szabó

OdooFace: Kristóf Baksai-Szabó

Kristóf Baksai-Szabó Student of Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), 2nd year MSc degree, Electrical Engineer 1. Why did you join the project? One of my classmates told me about the competition in the first week of September 2010, when Adrian ? whose idea was the application ? just started the recruitment of team members....
It?s arrived!

It?s arrived!

We are pleased to announce to our dear readers that our image change has begun in this evening. First on our webpage can be seen the Odooproject?s new and final outlook. Here,,,,,,,,,,,,, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here....
Team of Technical University Denmark at Solar Decathlon

Team of Technical University Denmark at Solar Decathlon

As a first step, about 200 students participated in DTU?s Solar Decathlon 13-week innovative idea and design-courses in the spring of 2011. The interesting ideas were collected and discussed twice in June in a framework of a three-week workshop, where the manufacturing partners were also invited. The first occasion was on 19th March that was...