Solar Decathlon Europe informed us that the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has officially communicated their withdrawal of the SDE 2012 Competition, on June 16th.

From the very beginning the NTNU  declared that their house proposed for SD Europe 2012 (called +hytte) is also an experimenting research-house for a zero emission urban area in Brøset, near Trondheim, where the university is located.

“This pilot project, operated by the City of Trondheim in the national program “Cities of the Future”, includes extensive cooperation between the municipality and researchers from NTNU and SINTEF (The Foundation for Scientifi c and Technical Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology). Many of these researchers also participate in the development of the +hytte, in order to use it as a Living Lab in Trondheim after the competition in Madrid is over.”

Here,,,,,,,,,,,,, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here. So their plans of the house – or Zero Emission Living Lab – have been optimized  to Trondheim climate which is not compatible with the SDE Rules and Madrid’s climate. This was the reason for their withdrawal.
During the competition this is the second team which won’t make it to the Villa Solar, remember  DTU’s ReVolt House. Meanwhile SD Europe activates the protocol to continue having 20 participant Teams for this SDE 2012 edition.

On the behalf of our entire team we are sorry for their withdrawal. On our part those who have seen the model really liked the house, looked like one of the bests in the competition. Compact, simple from and structutal design with good, thoughful spaces for living, with a practical small terrace. The renders had a nice atmosphere – a small wooden house in the Norwegian valleys. We are sorry for not seeing it in real life.

Related posts:
ReVolt House withdraws SDE 2012

norway kep NTNU withdraws SDE 2012