First from our region, students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) submitted a successful tender, which means we accomplished the terms of the competition. Currently our team has 50 student members, not only from the Faculty of Architecture but from other different faculties we accomplished. Our goal is to create an innovative solar building in which we apply our architectural and technical developments.
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Posts tagged "masat-1"

<!--:hu-->MNB érmét bocsátott ki a Masat-1 tiszteletére<!--:--><!--:en-->Coin and stamp dedicated to Masat-1<!--:-->

<!–:hu–>MNB érmét bocsátott ki a Masat-1 tiszteletére<!–:–><!–:en–>Coin and stamp dedicated to Masat-1<!–:–>

<!--:hu-->A Masat-1 Magyarország első távközlő műholdjának tiszteletére egy négyzet alakú érmét bocsátott ki a Magyar Nemzeti Bank, a Magyar Posta pedig díszbélyeget.<!--:--><!--:en-->In honour of Hungary's first telecommunications satellite, Masat-1 a square was coin issued by the National Bank of Hungary, the Hungarian Post Office released a stamp of honor. <!--:-->
Masat-1 captured the first photographs from space

Masat-1 captured the first photographs from space

The first Hungarian satellite took pictures from space with the resolution of 640*480 pixels.
Hungarian satellite launched

Hungarian satellite launched

Another project of our university BME has gained success yesterday, it is time for open up some champagne  for the team-members of CubeSat, who built and innovated (or still innovating) the first Hungarian satellite -which is so small can fit in your hand. It?s called Masat-1, which is an abbreviation derived from the words magyar...