First from our region, students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) submitted a successful tender, which means we accomplished the terms of the competition. Currently our team has 50 student members, not only from the Faculty of Architecture but from other different faculties we accomplished. Our goal is to create an innovative solar building in which we apply our architectural and technical developments.
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„Odoo” successes at the Students' Scientific Conference 2012

„Odoo” successes at the Students’ Scientific Conference 2012

The Students' Scientific Conference 2012 was held on Wednesday, November 14, at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Many of us from the Odooproject team participated in the scientific competition and achieved good results, therefore we would like to kindly give you a brief report about our team members’ achievements.
Odooproject held workshops for children in summer camps

Odooproject held workshops for children in summer camps

Odooproject‘s Communications Team members held summer workshops for children aged between 7 and 14.
Odooproject exhibition at Instant Pub

Odooproject exhibition at Instant Pub

Do you still remember EFOTT festival? And what about the OdooActivity we played together? Whether your answer is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ we have created another newer and more exciting game to offer you. But just in case you have not figured out where to spend your Thursday evening yet, we warmly invite you on Thursday, August...
<!--:hu-->Odooproject az EFOTT-on is<!--:--><!--:en-->Odooproject at EFOTT Festival<!--:--><!--:es-->Odooproject en el Festival EFOTT<!--:-->

<!–:hu–>Odooproject az EFOTT-on is<!–:–><!–:en–>Odooproject at EFOTT Festival<!–:–><!–:es–>Odooproject en el Festival EFOTT<!–:–>

<!--:hu-->Július 3. és 8. között a csapat egy része áthelyezte bázisát a csarnokból egy kevésbé zárt térre, a Velencei-tóra. Az Odooproject ugyanis idén kiállítóként részt vett az év legnagyobb hallgatói bulijában és találkozóján, az EFOTT-on.<!--:--><!--:en-->Between the 3-8th of July one part of our team replaced their daily location from the huge industrial hall of the...