On Friday we held the closing event of our exhibition at defo labor: a workshop dedicated to nowadays? concerns about design, energy, nature in relation with the Odooproject. In the evening we were talking and meditating about our project, the SD competition and the issue of changing paradigm in architecture, economy and society with participants such as Tamás Varga DLA (docent of BME, lead faculty advisor of Odooproject), Dr. László Orlócy (director of  ELTE?s botanical garden ?Fűvészkert?), Gábor Birkás (architect), Rita Kotasz (psychologist), Péter Fazekas (horticultural engineer) and Olivér Lebhardt (editor-in-chief of the MOHA Magazine). Team leader Adrián Auth and  Olivér Lebhardt also see a paradigm change in our age group, when projects can be realized even without money, only a good idea what is needed. They think about Odoo the same way, it?s mainly an educational project, where students can learn, experiment, discover and test constantly. To become visible and get attention is also a major challenge besides the building of our house; therefore in the ?world of internet?, as anyone can easily be reached, may be easier to higlight our work and show the ideas. This was confirmed also by Dr. László Orlócy when stated that the ?the future is clearly in network lifestyle?. On Valentine?s Day we are moving to the 7th district of Budapest to ?Fogasház?, alternative cultural space. -SA- Photos: Ádám Szekér IMG 2974 Design, Energy, Nature & Odooproject IMG 3043 Design, Energy, Nature & Odooproject IMG 3156 Design, Energy, Nature & Odooproject IMG 2946 Design, Energy, Nature & Odooproject