Too much stress at the Here,,,,,,,,,,,,, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here. university? How about a green way to let go of tension? Just use your empty PET bottle as a sword (the size defines the type of your weapon) and fight against plastic pollution. Exactly at noon on Monday, on the university campus there was a flash mob happening, organized by BME students. Suddenly, the unusually crowded campus turned into a battlefield, filled with people sword fighting with plastic bottles. At the end of a fight you always have a loser and a winner: so went down the plastic, as people stomped the bottles flat and throwed them in the recycling, and the participants won an environmentally friendly way of thinking.

 MG 0652 Stress release BME style: sword fight with PET bottlesphoto: Balázs Danyi

The aim of the event was to draw attention on the importance of recycling. In Hungary, 55 thousand tons of plastic bottles are being produced, and only one fifth of it being recycled. It?s not easy to lower the amount of bottles, but by selective handling and recycling, some of this pollution could be avoided. -KT- You can read more about this flash mob and the organizers on their Facebook page: MG 0656 Stress release BME style: sword fight with PET bottles MG 0653 Stress release BME style: sword fight with PET bottles MG 0650 Stress release BME style: sword fight with PET bottles MG 0662 Stress release BME style: sword fight with PET bottles