What Makes a Persuasive Argumentative Essay?

When asked what a resistible argumentative essay is, always remember that it is an essay that follows a particular structure. Its goal is to persuade the reader to join the writer’s viewpoint on a specific subject matter. It is also supposed to highlight pressing issues and show how some things had been done wrong to support the thesis statement. An argumentative essay’s format may differ depending on the instructor’s preference. Regardless of the size of the subtopic, an argumentative essay should have a conclusion which summarizes the main points stated in the rest of the document.

The introduction of your argumentative essay should be firm and catchy. Notably, the introduction should be relevant to the topic and not too obvious because it leaves the readers with no hint of what to expect. Your introductory paragraph should then have a clear thesis statement. You follow this by reading several examples and analyze each example to determine whether it is a good fit. Finally, you should conclude by stating the last sentence of the introductory section. Nevertheless, it is important to note that it is not mandatory to include a conclusion in the concluding paragraphs.

Characteristics of a Convincing Argumentative Essay

A properly written argumentative essay convinces the reader to agree with the author’s opinions and to re-write the said information. https://dab.us.endis.com/Articles/1000052880/Daily_Audio_Bible/About_Brian/Brians_Blog/September_21_2008.aspx It is vital to ensure that the content is convincing and can influence a majority of individuals. The following are the characteristics of a compelling argumentative essay;

  • It is founded on tangible facts. If the book is based on personal experience, the argumentative essay is likely to lose its credibility due to the claims made.
  • There is strong counterarguments. Although the writing is informal, it should be clear to the reader that there is an ongoing debate within the selected segment.
  • While the writer might have their views on certain matters, they should not weigh them down. Instead, they should make sure to voice their disagreements precisely.
  • Justified proof. Most students tend to ignore or dismiss the use of statistics when handling this kind of essays. The best way to steer away from such a turn is by choosing a debatable topic.

How to Create a Winning Introduction for an Argumentative Essay

Your beginning shouldn’t leave any room for imagination. Once you know the format of a passionate argumentative essay, the next step is to familiarize yourself with the required formatting. Here are expert tips to help you create an appealing introduction.