Hoy hemos avanzado espectacularmente: hemos instalado los primeros paneles solar durante un turno muy largo, prolongado hasta la última hora del día.

Fotos: Balázs Danyi

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A little sweeping: the last works before covering the roof.

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Meanwhile the others adjust the main beams of the terrace.

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No construction error: we work with millimeters’ accuracy.

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Gábor is awaiting the first solar panel.

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The others fulfill his wish and bring it to him.

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The first soalr panel’s route on the roof.

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Others were intently watching the events.

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But there’s no reason to concern: our house becomes more and more solar every minute :)

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Our truck driver is also mesmerized by the ‘birth’ of our house.

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We keep attention to labour safety every moment.

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The shift continued during the night.

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Pozsi summerizes the day and make new plans for tomorrow.

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